Sleep Quality: Your Best Defense Against Dementia

Learn the research-backed morning habits that can lower your dementia risk, starting with quality sleep and including exercise, nutrition, hydration and social connection.

Sleep Quality: Your Best Defense Against Dementia

Getting quality sleep is the top pre-breakfast habit for dementia prevention, according to experts, along with other morning routines like exercise and healthy eating.

Key Points from Research:

  • People who sleep 6 hours or less in their 50s and 60s face higher dementia risk
  • The glymphatic system clears toxins from the brain during sleep
  • Exercise benefits: 150 minutes of moderate activity weekly reduces Alzheimer's risk
  • Mediterranean-DASH (MIND) diet shows benefits for brain health
  • Social isolation increases dementia risk

"During sleep, memory consolidation occurs... The glymphatic system, which is responsible for clearing toxic substances from the brain, is also more active during sleep." - Dr. Peter Gliebus, neurologist

Your morning habits, especially sleep, play a big role in brain health. Good sleep lets your brain clean out toxins and strengthen connections between brain cells. The research shows that prevention starts decades before symptoms appear - what you do in your 50s affects your brain health later in life.

Read the full article here: Parade: The One Pre-Breakfast Habit Doctors Swear By for Dementia Prevention

Small daily habits matter for brain health. Start with good sleep, add movement, eat well, stay hydrated and stay social. These habits work together to protect your brain as you age.